2 Cold Hardy Citrus Trees


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Disclaimer: We do NOT ship citrus trees to Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Texas, or anywhere outside of the US.

This listing is for 2 cold hardy citrus trees in 1 quart pots; these plants will typically measure between 6-10″ tall.

Trifoliate oranges (e.g. Flying Dragon, Rich 16-6, Rubidoux) are the hardiest of all the citrus and are best used for ornamental purposes and/or juicing since they are very acidic with bitter rinds.

Citrumelos (e.g. Dunstan, Sacaton, Swingle, 5star) are hybrids between a grapefruit and trifoliate orange. Citrandarins (e.g. Bishop, US-812, US-852, US-942, X-639) are hybrids between a mandarin and trifoliate orange. These hybrids taste similar to a standard grapefruit or mandarin but more acidic and with a different aftertaste.

Taiwanica lemon is a sour orange with a complex lemon flavor and deep yellow-orange color. Yuzu is a natural mandarin-papeda hybrid that is highly aromatic with a lemon-lime flavor.

These plants are recommended for growing outdoors in plant hardiness zones 6-11. To find out your plant hardiness zone, use this link: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Additional information

Weight 32 oz
Dimensions 20 × 4 × 4 in

1 quart


Flying Dragon, Rich 16-6 Trifoliate Orange, Rubidoux Trifoliate Orange, Dunstan Citrumelo, Sacaton Citrumelo, Swingle Citrumelo, 5star Citrumelo, Bishop Citrandarin, US-812 Citrandarin, US-852 Citrandarin, X-639 Citrandarin, Taiwanica Lemon, Yuzu


-20°F to -10°F (Trifoliate Orange), 0°F to 5°F (Trifoliate Hybrids), 5°F to 10°F (Taiwanica Lemon/Yuzu)